

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

My Big Fat Greek Easter Sunday

Καθαρώτατον ήλιο επρομηνούσε
της αυγής το δροσάτο ύστερο αστέρι,
σύγνεφο, καταχνιά δεν απερνούσε
τ' ουρανού σε κανένα από τα μέρη.
Και από κει κινημένο αργοφυσούσε
τόσο γλυκό στο πρόσωπο τ' αγέρι,
που λες και λέει μες στης καρδιάς τα φύλλα:
Γλυκειά η ζωή...

Enjoy visual material from the Easter Sunday celebrations at the Greek Orthodox church of the Annunciation in Dublin organized by the Parish Council and the Hellenic community of Ireland. The day had it all: a moving mass of the Vespers of Agapi, children still holding on to their precious lampades, Greeks, Irish, Palestinians, Russians, and Georgians announcing each in their own language the "resurrection of Christ," a very well orchestrated BBQ, complete with wine and an impressive buffet, happy people and rays of sunshine.

Χριστός Ανέστη,
